Issue # Subject Category Type Status % Completed Last updated at
580Network Outage at some of our USA location Data CentresNetworkIncidentIn-Progress
2024-11-19 06:12:49
CrownCloud - Status - Network Outage at some of our USA location Data Centres

Updates on this issue

2024-11-19 06:12:41


Service has been restored but we are still closely monitoring this issue. Apologies for the inconvenience this has caused.

Crowncloud Staff

2024-11-19 04:58:55

We wanted to inform you that some of our USA location data centers are currently experiencing a network outage. The issue is being addressed as our service providers work with their upstream providers to resolve the situation.

We will keep you updated and share more information as soon as we receive an update from the data centers.

Thank you for your understanding.